The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: July 19, 2009

Official News page 2


by Hazed

When the code goes live I will do a quick update to the Idiot's Guide and to the commands pages, adding in everything you need to know about Plutocrats and cartels. But meanwhile, here's a quick summary of the commands that will be in the version going live in a few days.

To promote to Plutocrat, the command is 'PROMOTE'. No big surprises there! You will need to be standing (or sitting, or lying) on your leisure planet or the promotion won't work. Your star system must be open.

Once you are a Plutocrat, you will no longer be able to close your star system, because it serves as the hub of your whole cartel. Closing it would cut off access to any of the other systems in your cartel - at least, it will once jumping through hyperspace is restricted to going via the hub system, which will be coded soon!

There are various commands that let you check out the details of cartels:

  • 'DI CARTELS' lists the cartels in the game.
  • 'DI CARTEL' gives you the details of the cartel you are currently in, with a list of the member systems. Warning: since right now there is only the Sol cartel, this lists every system in the game!
  • 'DI CARTEL cartelname' gives the details of the named cartel.

Anyone can use these commands. If you are a PO of any rank, you can apply to have your star system join a cartel with 'JOIN CARTEL cartelname'. This puts your request in a queue, which will show up on the cartel details. The Plutocrat can then accept or reject your request. If you're in the game when he, she or it does so, you'll get a notification, otherwise you will be sent some mail which you can read when you next log on with the 'MAIL' command.

If you're a Plutocrat, you can see all the pending membership requests on your cartel display. To accept a star system into your cartel, use 'ACCEPT systemname' and to reject it, 'REJECT systemname'.

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