CARTEL BUG FIXESby HazedWhen the code for Plutocrats and cartels went in last weekend, it wasn't absolutely perfect. The test team had done the best they could but a few bugs had slipped past them - one it just never occurred to any of us to test, and one that only showed up in the live game, not in the test version. The one we didn't think to test was the bug that stopped Plutocrats from being able to trade on the exchange. We were taken by surprise by that one - in fact, we couldn't even say at first if it really was a bug, because it was just possible that Bella had decided that rank should not have access to the trading exchanges but instead would have to rely on member POs to shift goods for the hub system's planets and had forgotten to tell anyone. But Bella soon confirmed that it was, indeed, a bug - Plutocrats were intended to trade but the rank had been left off the list of authorized users of the trading exchanges. This bug was promptly fixed so that Plutocrats were no longer left without a reliable source of income. The other bug was that typing 'DI CARTEL SOL' only showed a handful of systems. A whole bunch had got left out of the Sol cartel. This was very strange because all systems were supposed to be in a cartel, so where had they all gone? We never did find out, but when the bug was fixed, the list of members of the Sol cartel expanded considerably. Incidentally, it is NOT a bug that the systems in the Sol cartel don't show up in proper alphabetical order. There's a bunch of random ones at the start of the list, and then the rest are all alphabeticized - but that's not a bug. The cartel list actually shows the order in which the systems joined the cartel. So any cartel list will always start with the hub system, and then the members in order of seniority will be listed, with the newest addition always appearing at the end. With Sol, because of the bug that left a bunch of systems out, all of those missing systems were added at the same time so don't have any particular seniority over each other, so they are in alpha order. When new systems are linked into the game they will be tacked onto the end of the list. |
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