REAL LIFE NEWS: AUSTRALIAN TOWN BESEIGED BY CAMELSby HazedPity the poor residents of Docker River, a town in the Australian Outback. They can't step outside their houses without running into dromedaries! There are 6,000 of the feral camels rampaging around the community, causing chaos in their search for water. They are trampling through homes, breaking water tanks and knocking over fire hydrants, generally being a thundering great nuisance. The boss of the town, Graham Taylor, reported that the camels first started to show up about five weeks ago, but more appeared every day. He said, "What seems to be happening is that they are coming into the town looking for water for four or five days - they have a drink and they linger... and more and more keep arriving. The numbers are building daily." "Some people are opening their windows and all they see is camels," he added. They are so desparate for water that as well as breaking fire hydrants and drinking troughs, some had resorted to licking drops of water from the evaporation cooling systems on the roofs of houses. Camels were introduced to Australia from the 1840s and were very valuable as pack animals as the vast Outback was opened up. However, their descendants now number around a million and they frequently cause problems. The Northern Territory local government has promised emergency funds to deal with the problem: the camels will be herded out of town by chopper crews, and then shot.
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