The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: February 7, 2010

Official News page 1


by Hazed

After last week's shrunken news bulletin, and a week where I didn't spend much time online at all - all because of a nasty cold - this weekend things are getting back to normality and I am able to beat the newsdroids hard enough to produce a full-sized edition.

As it happens, there's still not much to tell you about, because Alan is still finding his feet (or equivalent) having only been in his new job for two weeks; however, he's now settled in enough that should be able to get back to doing some development work on Fed2 now.

Quite what he is going to work on first I can't tell you - he's playing it very close to his chest!

He's also looking at various bug reports that have come in over the past few weeks, possibly with a view to dismissing them as merely features.

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