The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: April 11, 2010

Fed Funnies page 1


by Hazed

We all have mixed feelings about the Venus shuttle. It's a miracle of technology - quiet, efficient, reliable, getting you to where you want to go... but it's also slow and boring. So I asked the players for things to do to while away your time on the shuttle. They came up with so many suggestions that I'll be continuing this next week.

Here, then, are the first set of ideas for top ten things to do on the Venus shuttle.

10. Take a group of friends on board with you, and have a party!
9. Count all the groats you are going to make on your futures.
8. Make babies in the bathroom.
7. Relax and enjoy the view... as you miss the stop at Hobbs End AGAIN!
6. Read your latest copy of the Fed2 Star.
5. Pass the time between stations by acting out scenes from the news stories.
4. Pull the emergency brake to watch all other riders fall out of their seats.
3. Start singing "It's a Fed world after all."
2. Pretend to talk into your comm unit about some big crime you just committed.
And the number one thing to do on the Venus shuttle is...
1. Daydream about a certain demi-goddess.

Thanks to Brady, Copacoyoteii, Cragonjr, Honkintoda, Shin and Trav. We'll have more suggestions next week.

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