The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: April 18, 2010

Fed Funnies page 1


by Hazed

Following on from last week's top ten, here are the rest of the players' suggestions of things to do to while away the boredom between stations on the shuttle.

10. Plan a way to get someone else to do your AK jobs.
9. Talk really LOUDLY on your comm unit to annoy people.
8. Rock the shuttle by running back and forth, side to side.
7. Look at the picture of 'Miss Cargon City Shuttle'.
6. Bring a can of spray paint and practice tagging.
5. Beg for groats or slithies on the shuttle.
4. Fart and blame someone else.
3. Preach the gospel of Gaelaan to the passengers - it'll ensure you get a carriage all to yourself.
2. Talk to your self about the craziest things very loudly just to see other peoples reactions on the shuttle.
And the number one thing to do on the Venus shuttle is...
1. Set mood to 'Snoring loudly,' and change clothes to 'You see xxxx sleeping off all the drinks Hazed bought him/her at Chez Diesel.'

Thanks to Angelfowl, Brady, Cragonjr, Copacoyoteii, Honkintoda, Gizmo and Trav for their ideas.

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