POSTS OF THE WEEKStardate: 127162:9639 - Occy: I could tell that my parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and a radio. Stardate: 127169:6062 - Occy: Not being able to iron out all of his problems made the dry cleaner very depressed.- Stardate: 127170:3147 - Cragonjr: I once knew a miner who ironed out all his problems with his dentist. He got a 50% discount on his gold fillings. Stardate: 127179:9862 - Occy: After he ate the duck, the alligator got a little down in the mouth.- Stardate: 127187:0279 - Occy: The fence builders were upset with their working conditions, so the started to picket.- Stardate: 127205:2220 - Occy: The coffee tasted like mud because it was ground a couple of minutes ago.- Stardate: 127239:1744 - Occy: The student was an aggressive learner - he hit the books.- Stardate: 127247:8335 - Occy: If you believe restaurants always overcook steaks, then you probably order them rarely.- Stardate: 127264:8619 - Occy: Let me give you the low down on extreme tunneling.- Stardate: 127300:1920 - Occy: Have you heard about that online origami store? It folded.- Stardate: 127308:4547 - Occy: The math teacher was a good dancer - he had algorithm.- Stardate: 127309:2717 - Zand: You can be whatever you want to be in life as long as: you have the IQ for it, the motivation for it, are willing to sacrifice what it takes for it, be physically able to do it and lastly, be able to afford to do it, so yeah, go for it. Stardate: 127342:1631 - Gandolf: If at first you don't succeed, the bungee jump from the GA building probably isn't for you.
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