The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: July 4, 2010

Official News page 6


by Hazed

If you are sympathizing with the woman in the last story, because you think your boss is a real pain in the whatever, you may be blaming the wrong person for your stress - because a new study shows that husbands and wives cause far more stress than bosses.

A poll of 3,000 men and women found that 58% said their spouse or partner was among those who put them under stress, compared with just 43% who cited their manager. What's more, women found their husband more stressful than men found their partners. I'm not sure if that means that women are more prone to stress, or that men are more annoying!

The poll was carried out by electronics and healthcare manufacturer Philips. Normally when a company commissions polls like this, it's to tie the results into whatever it is they are selling, but I have no idea what the connection is here!

Read more here.

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