POSTS OF THE WEEKStardate: 128801:0342 - Occy: His brief Hollywood career came to an end, when he was arrested for armed robbery. He proved to be a shooting star.- Stardate: 128818:6721 - Occy: The candle-making machine broke down when someone threw a spanner in the wax.- Stardate: 128828:5972 - Occy: Deafness is getting to be quite a problem for me lately. I never thought I'd hear myself say that.- Stardate: 128838:6089 - Nyomar: In Walla Walla, Washington, the diminuative convicted psychic escaped from the State Penn, the local newspaper title was: Small Medium at Large!!! Stardate: 128841:0160 - Racingnut: Man and his wife went into a supermarket, man puts a case of Budweiser in the cart wife says what are you doing? we cant afford that...put it back. Short time later the wife picks up a 20 dollar can of facial creme, Husband asks her what shes doing she replies "I gotta continue to look beautiful" Husband looked at her and said Case of Budwesier would do that and its half the price! Stardate: 128841:8536 - Liakell: A pop singer and a concert cellist got into a fight over a motorcycle in Mexico. The headline read, "Gaga and Yo-Yo Ma in Baja Yamaha Brouhaha." Stardate: 128844:6361 - Hazed: If you can't be a good example, be a horrible warning.
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