The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: November 28, 2010

Fed Funnies page 1


Stardate: 129044:3065 - Occy: Old colanders never die, they just can't take the strain anymore.-

Stardate: 129051:8871 - Occy: The philanthropist built a town and named it 'Generocity'.-
Stardate: 129053:2653 - Hazed: The fastest man in the world built a town and called it 'Velocity'.

Stardate: 129053:7021 - Shrevo: The child one day dreamed of becoming a plumber but realized it was only a pipe dream.

Stardate: 129061:5831 - Occy: The special section reserved in the train for Julius was a Cesarean Berth.-
Stardate: 129065:4658 - Zand: I think you got a little derailed with that one Occy

Stardate: 129080:2192 - Occy: The book of incantations was useless. The author had failed to run a spell check.-

Stardate: 129080:6689 - Occy: I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book." - Groucho Marx

Stardate: 129081:9338 - Shrevo: Egotists are Me deep in conversation

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