REAL LIFE NEWS: THE MOST BORING DAY IN HISTORYby HazedWhat happened on April 11, 1954? Absolutely nothing. That's why it has now been named the most boring day in history. A computer programmer came up with this using a program he had devised called True Knowledge. William Tunstall-Pedoe fed 200 million facts about "people, places, business and events" that made the news into his program. It then used complex algorithms to figure out the day on which the least significant things happened. "Nobody significant died that day, no major events apparently occurred and, although a typical day in the 20th century has many notable people being born, for some reason that day had only one who might make that claim - Abdullah Atalar, a Turkish academic.* "The irony is, though, that - having done the calculation - the day is interesting for being exceptionally boring." Here's some pictures from 1954 that show what happened on other days. * In case you are interested, Professor Abdullah Atalar now researches atomic force microscopy and digital integrated circuit design at Bilkent University. |
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