Tuesday February 1
by Fancy-Fancy, Gengineer of Toontown
We got the 2011 premiere of the Fed Phrase Game this week! Squeeky, Amalfi, Bonzetti, Sjw, Dagny, and Gizmo all came to Studio 1. I went over the rules to refresh everyone, and then had the players spin to set their playing order. That came up Amalfi, Sjw, Dagny, Gizmo, then Squeeky, who played, while Bonzetti watched. We took a look at our first puzzle, which was 3 word things (8, 5, and 6 letters), and Amalfi started things off.
Amalfi found a T for 750, 3 S's for 1000 each, bought the E's, found an N for 75, and bought the I's before a Bankrupt wiped out his points and ended his turn. Sjw took over and found an R, two D's, picked up a Free Spin with a G, found an H and a Z, but no W's. He decided to hold onto his Free Spin, so the turn passed to Dagny, who spun 600, found one C, and solved - catering-sized dishes - to win Round 1 for 600.
Our second puzzle was 3 word food and drink (8, 5, and 9 letters), and Gizmo was up next in the order to start it. Gizmo started by finding three R's for 1000 each, followed by a 350-point S. Gizmo then bought the E's and I, found an H for 150, then landed on Free Spin, but there were no T's that he called for to allow him to pick it up, and Squeeky took over. The mouse found an N for 1000, but then no L's. Amalfi took over and found a G for 150, two M's for 1000 each, bought the A's, found a 600-point B, bought the U's, placed a J for 500, picked up a Free Spin with a Y, and filled in a C for 750 before solving - enormous juicy hamburger - to take Round 2 for 3500 points.
Puzzle #3 tonight was 3 word things (9, 6, and 5 letters), and Sjw was up next to start it, with a carried-over Free Spin in hand. He found two R's to start, only to land on a Bankrupt next. This time Sjw used his Free Spin and continued by finding 5 S's for 100 each, two T's for 600 each, but then picked an H missing from the puzzle. Dagny spun 500, but couldn't find any K's. Gizmo landed on 750, but found no L's. Squeeky found an M for 600 and bought the A's, but then picked a G not in the puzzle. Amalfi started off landing on Bankrupt. He decided to use his carried-over Free Spin as well, and proceeded to find two P's for 500 each, bought the O's, and found an N for 1000 before a Lose a Turn space stopped him. Sjw got the puzzle back, spun and landed on 200, found one D, and then solved - sponsored sports teams - to win Round 3 with 1900 points.
That brought us to the end of our allotted hour. The final scores had Dagny finishing third with 600, Sjw in second with 1900, and Amalfi in first with 3500. Congratulations to this week's winners, and thanks also to our other participants and audience. We'll be back in Studio 1 on February 15 for our next edition of the Fed Phrase Game. Join us then.