POSTS OF THE WEEKStardate: 129838:9269 - Occy: My friend went on a date with a girl called 'Simile'. I asked him how it went. He said it wasn't serious, he just metaphor a coffee.- Stardate: 129841:5155 - Gandolf: Smith & Wesson: The first point-and-click interface. Stardate: 129847:8161 - Dennotairn: The Quality Control techincian at the coffee factory allowed tainted stock to hit the open market, thereby providing grounds for dismissal. Stardate: 129847:8614 - Munabilo: The customer says to the waiter "this coffee tastes like dirt!" and the waiter says "well, it was ground this morning." Stardate: 129847:9847 - Liandri: Sex is like air: Its not important unless your not getting any. - #34373 Stardate: 129855:9153 - Meijerman: Crosseyed teachers can't control their pupils Stardate: 129864:7814 - Occy: Benny was sure that if he had to he could master braille once he got a feel for it.-
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