The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: May 8, 2011

Fed Funnies page 1


Stardate: 130433:9394 - Occy: When asked about rumors that he owned a bakery, Shakespeare replied, 'It's much a-dough about muffin.'-

Stardate: 130443:4239 - Occy: I was studying in an apiary class. This resulted in me receiving a bee on my exam.-
Stardate: 130449:2835 - Zand: My instructor in that class had a tendency to drone on and on, it was so bad it gave me the hives; she was a honey though.
Stardate: 130450:2999 - Bones: Well at least ya weren't stung.

Stardate: 130451:7631 - Occy: I got my child to sleep last night by just repeatedly saying 'bursary'. It was the only nursery rhyme I could think of.-
Stardate: 130452:4243 - Romana: well, Occy, there's cursory
Stardate: 130452:4358 - Beatrix: not to mention anniversary

Stardate: 130460:6371 - Occy: The topiary artist invested all his money in shears and hedge funds.-

Stardate: 130468:6743 - Dagny: It's no accident that stressed spelled backwards is desserts.

Stardate: 130469:3052 - Occy: All the waterfowl kept their eyes closed except for one. He was a Peking Duck.-

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