POSTS OF THE WEEKStardate: 130666:1164 - Zand: What is a demigod? A mythconception Stardate: 130684:4639 - Occy: A pie went for an audition for a part in a play. The casting agent told him he performed well, but it was more of a sausage roll.- Stardate: 130701:6304 - Occy: Have you ever wondered why baseball players get girlfriends? They're great at hitting it off.- Stardate: 130712:5513 - Gandolf: A vulture boards an airplane, carrying 2 dead raccoons. The stewardess stops him, saying, "I'm sorry, Sir, but only one carrion allowed". Stardate: 130754:0201 - Occy: Purchasing tires made me aware of inflationary pressures.- Stardate: 130781:4487 - Occy: Three old guys are out walking. First one says, 'Windy, isn't it?' Second one says, 'No, it's Thursday!' Third one says, 'So am I. Let's go get a beer..' Stardate: 130814:7486 - Occy: Do you know why Noah's ark was built out of wood? They didn't have arc welders back then.- Stardate: 130828:3914 - Occy: I wish more congressmen and congresswomen would send scandalous photos, since lying, cheating and stealing doesn't seem to be a good enough reason Stardate: 130831:2380 - Occy: I walked past a gang of youths yesterday and one of them threw a piece of cheese at me, which hit me on the back of the head. I turned round and shouted, "That's not very mature!"-
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