PUT YOUR GOODIES ON DISPLAYby HazedDisplay cabinets are now in the game, so if you are a planet owner you have a safe space to store your belongings, and a way to show off your trophies. All POs get a display cabinet automatically - it comes with the star system. The display cabinet lives on the landing pad of the first planet in the system, and through the miracles of quantum entanglement, it is also visible and manipulatable on the LPs of any other planets in the system. All players can see the display cabinet, and take a look at what it contains with the command 'EXAMINE CABINET'. 'EXAMINE' can always be shortened to 'EX', of course. The cabinet's description will list all of the items stored in the cabinet, if there are any, like this:
If you're the owner of the cabinet, you will also see how much space is left - of which, more in a moment. You can take a closer look at any of the items in the cabinet by examining them, just as you would if they were items on the ground. But you can't pick any of them up because the cabinet's security features won't allow that. Besides, the cabinet isn't really there, not physically, it is actually located in an orbital warehouse, and uses an Einstein-Rosen bridge to transport objects in and out of it. If you are the owner of the planet then you can put items into the cabinet with 'STASH objectname' and take them out again with 'RETRIEVE objectname'. These are the same commands used with your ship's locker. The basic display cabinet that comes with every star system holds 57 items. If that isn't enough space for you, then you can make it bigger - for a price. One slithy tove gets you an extra 13 slots. The command is 'EXTEND CABINET'. You can keep on adding new shelves as long as you have slithy to pay the carpenter; there is no limit on the total size of a cabinet. An object will only take up one display slot, no matter how heavy it is - you could store 57 nano-crystals or 57 kalindras and the cabinet will reconfigure itself to accommodate them. |
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