POSTS OF THE WEEKStardate: 131627:8554 - Occy: A real woman is a man's best friend. She will never let him down. She will comfort him after a bad day. She will inspire him to do things he never thought he could do. She will enable him to express his deepest emotions. She will enable him to be confident, sexy, and invincible ... No wait. Sorry. I'm thinking of beer. It's beer that does all that. Never mind Stardate: 131645:0182 - Occy: A girl entered a hair styling class, but failed and didn't make the braid.- Stardate: 131652:9072 - Occy: What do you call a duck that meets its future self? A Pairadux.- Stardate: 131655:1044 - Occy: A Police STOP at 2 AM An elderly man is stopped by the police around 2 a.m. and is asked where he is going at this time of night. The man replies, "I am on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body, as well as smoking and staying out late." The officer then asks, "Really? Who is giving that lecture at this time of night?" The man replies, "That would be my wife." Stardate: 131670:2467 - Occy: Sleeping comes so naturally to me, I could do it with my eyes closed.- Stardate: 131671:0297 - Hazed: Confidence is what you have before you understand the problem. - Woody Allen
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