The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: October 9, 2011

Fed Funnies page 1


Stardate: 131764:8239 - Occy: The fruit farmer was plum happy he pruned his orchard last fall.-
Stardate: 131766:8183 - Zand: I am picky about my fruits and plums are the pitts.

Stardate: 131773:5382 - Occy: The telemarketer asked me if I read magazines at all and I replied that I did, periodically.-

Stardate: 131786:7445 - Occy: I went out for a run this morning and tripped over, I could have been wearing the wrong size shoes, I haven't seen the footage yet.-

Stardate: 131790:7637 - Occy: The crowd at the Cannibal's party grew silent when he announced he would be serving finger foods.-
Stardate: 131792:5697 - Zand: Occy ---- So he had a bunch of people for snacks and drinks?

Stardate: 131799:7258 - Occy: I can never wear glasses. They make me see-sick.-
Stardate: 131806:0266 - Zand: My glasses help me to see "Saw" and "Saw2" and "Saw 3" and ......

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