The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: October 16, 2011

Official News page 2


by Hazed

Alan has put in a bug fix which plugs a groat-making loophole.

The bug was to do with the way businesses pay customs dues to the cartel. If the business has no working capital, it cannot pay the excise men the business bank balance won't go below zero. But the money was still being added to the cartel bank balance - so the groats were being magically manufactured out of thin air (or equivalent atmospheric gasses).

The bug fix stops this from happening.

Thanks to the player who reported this bug. I should point out that despite having profited from the bug him/her/itself, we won't be taking any groats away from the player. Our policy is that anyone who reports a bug won't lose the proceeds of the bug, unless the amount involved is so huge as to unbalance the game.

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