The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: October 16, 2011

Official News page 5


by Hazed

Space travel has been monopolised by governments for a long time, but there's one area where amateurs are getting a look in: rocketry. Enthusiasts have been firing home-made rockets into the sky ever since the technology was invented, and some of them reach a very impressive height.

A good example is the Qu8k rocket built by Derek Deville, and launched from Black Rock Desert in Nevada a few weeks ago. It reached an altitude of 121,000 feet after 92 seconds flight. It then floated safely back to Earth, with the aid of a parachute, taking 7.5 minutes to descend.

On its way up (and down again) it captured some impressive video footage. You can watch that footage, see pictures of the rocket, and read about the project, here.

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