The weekly newsletter for Fed2
by ibgames

EARTHDATE: January 15, 2012

Fed Funnies page 1


Stardate: 132430:7918 - Occy: The weatherman who forecasted snow in July was a bit of a flake.-
Stardate: 132431:3175 - Zand: A 'BIT' you say, I woudl say he was quite a-drift.

Stardate: 132439:6101 - Occy: My friend wants to dress like the Queen of Hearts for Halloween. I think I'll follow suit.-
Stardate: 132439:6590 - Zand: So what? Ya'll goin clubbin?
Stardate: 132439:8517 - Hazed: You'd look like a diamond geezer.
Stardate: 132440:8661 - Racingnut: ill get a spade and see if i can dig up 4 aces
Stardate: 132441:2048 - Tarzand: Ha ha, you are all a riot, just a bunch of Jokers!
Stardate: 132444:1531 - Fancy: Got some real cards on the noticeboard tonight!
Stardate: 132445:6342 - Zand: Yeah, we're some real cut ups!

Stardate: 132448:1209 - Occy: The people who are predicting when all time will halt are known as endochronologists.-

Stardate: 132456:5712 - Occy: Do you know how winter coats are insulated? They are down loaded.-
Stardate: 132458:0745 - Zand: here's a key question, are the coats then screened for bad feathers?

Stardate: 132507:3002 - Occy: The orthopedist said that working with fractures isn't all that it's cracked up to be.-

Stardate: 132524:6068 - Hazed: For Christmas, the homeopath received an empty box containing the memory of the chocolates that used to be in it.

Stardate: 132525:5834 - Occy: My job at the concrete plant seems to get harder and harder.-
Stardate: 132525:5964 - Bourbon: My early job was working with a carpet installer, was great work as lots of laying around
Stardate: 132526:3433 - Sianna: Sadly enough, my job performance at the Golf course was not always up to Par.

Stardate: 132551:5744 - Occy: Erasable pens were a good idea on paper.-
Stardate: 132554:7309 - Zand: Yeah, but they didn't work right, they stINK

Stardate: 132560:6242 - Occy: When I was watching the news, I saw a segment on earthworms.-
Stardate: 132562:0714 - Zand: The avian story was wonderful but they left it all up in the air.

Stardate: 132577:0683 - Occy: Two college students die in head on collision, police say they were on a crash course.-
Stardate: 132578:6121 - Zand: I guess they failed the test; dummies.

Stardate: 132584:9542 - Occy: One day at the bar there was a blackout. Good thing I had a light beer.-

Stardate: 132621:2260 - Occy: Why did the pig quit running the marathon? He had a problem with his hamstring.-

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