The weekly newsletter for Fed2
by ibgames

EARTHDATE: February 12, 2012

Fed Funnies page 1


Stardate: 132854:3396 - Occy: What do organic mathematicians throw into their fireplaces? Natural Logs.-

Stardate: 132862:8688 - Occy: Dental care in Panama is called a route canal.-

Stardate: 132865:3580 - Dennotairn: A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it isn't open.-Frank Zappa-

Stardate: 132880:0242 - Occy: I find that movies about submarines always go down well.-

Stardate: 132888:5950 - Occy: Riding the escalator is a step up from always walking on the same level.-
Stardate: 132889:1496 - Hazed: But it can be a fast way to the bottom.

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