REAL LIFE NEWS: SNAKES IN THE LOFT... OR MAYBE NOTby HazedA woman was shocked to find a snake in her loft, so she called in the Scottish SPCA to remove the unwanted reptile. But it turned out to be... a draft excluder! The woman from Aberdeen, Scotland, was very distressed when animal rescue office Karen Hogg arrived. Well, you would be, wouldn’t you? Karen had come armed with gloves and a pillow case so she could handle the snake safely and contain it, but soon realised the equipment wasn’t needed, because it turned out to a large green and black snake-shaped draught excluder with a red felt tongue. “This call-out really made us smile and given that we deal with cruelty and neglect day in day out, it was refreshing to go to a job where the ‘animal’ was completely unharmed,” she said. The draught excluder - named Sid - is now at the Scottish SPCA’s Aberdeen Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centre. Source: On a similar note, police in Nottinghamshire, England, recently smashed the windows of a car in order to save the life of a dog trapped inside - only to discover it was a stuffed toy. Whoops! Source: |
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