Fed2 Star Index
In this week's Fed2 Star: The ibgames website gets revamped, Alan's code to track problems in the game stops the game having any problems, reality TV goes to Mars, housework sets fire to submarine, red cars attract more droppings, the dangers of toilets (compared to sharks), a dumb criminal leaves his homework behind, spaceship sizes, microscopic beauty, and posts and quotes of the week.
Official News
Ibgames website has a makeover
Tracking the corruption problem
Real life news: reality TV goes to Mars
Real life news: see, I told you housework was bad for you!
Real life news: birds love to drop on red cars
Real life news: toilets are more deadly than sharks
Dumb criminal of the week: how to make sure you are identified
On the web: real spaceship sizes compared to the Enterprise
Pictures of the week: microscopic beauty