Fed2 Star - the newsletter for the space trading game Federation 2

The weekly newsletter for Fed2
by ibgames

EARTHDATE: July 15, 2012

Fed2 Star Index

In this week's Fed2 Star: the cloud move finally happens, what is the cloud all about, lost treasures of the ibgames website, space travel extends your life, eye movements don’t indicate lies, book perfume, a cyborg duck and a robot boss. Plus the top ten songs to soundtrack the cloud move, and the usual selection of posts and quotes of the week.

Official News

We moved to the cloud

Explanation of the cloud

Updating the website - and finding lost gems

Real life news: see, I told you space travel was good for you!

Real life news: you can hide those lying eyes

Perfume of the week: the smell of books

Cyborg of the week: the duck with a metal beak

On the web: my robot boss

Winding Down

Fed Funnies

Top ten songs to soundtrack our move to the cloud

...Of the Week