Fed2 Star Index
In this week's Fed2 Star: BugFest is a success, how many alts make five, weather reports in the cloud, Curiosity starts its trek, chocolate is great, a new pair of spaceships head for orbit, those horrible web intelligence tests, butt-dialling, take a trip through the universe, and make something cool. Plus Alan’s technical column Winding Down, and the usual posts of the week in the Fed Funnies.
Official News
Stormy weather will not affect your Fed connection
Real life news: see, I told you chocolate was good for you!
Real life news: heading for the Van Allen belts
Real life news: CAPTCHAs make it more difficult to prove your humanity
Dumb criminal of the wee: bum calls the cops
Video of the week: flying through the universe
On the web: things to do this Labor Day