by Hazed
A restaurant owner from Ottawa is facing a stint in jail thanks to her over-reaction to a bad online review.
It all began when diner Elayna Katz visited the Mambo Nuevo Latino restaurant for dinner. She had a few problems with her meal - she didn’t like olives and had asked for them to be omitted from her jambalaya, but they were not - and she was unsatisfied with the response of her server. She left her details so the owner could contact her, but never heard a thing.
So, naturally, she posted a bad review of her experience online.
This enraged the restaurant’s owner, Marisol Simoes, who embarked on a campaign of harassment. She posted personal info about Katz on the review site, and emailed the woman’s boss and colleagues pretending to be Katz, offering them sex, claiming (as Katz) to be “a tiger in the bedroom”.
Actually she claimed a lot more than that, but the salacious details can’t be included in the Star for fear of triggering mail filters. Fortunately you can read more at the source link below.
Simoes also posted an advert on a dating site, and used Katz’s wedding photos (which she found online) in the posts.
Simoes has been convicted of two counts of criminal libel. She’s up for 90 days in prison plus 200 hours of community service, and she has to take an anger management course.
Meanwhile, in case you are thinking of eating out in Ottawa and want to avoid her restaurants, be aware that she also owns a sushi joint called Kinki.