Fed2 Star - the newsletter for the space trading game Federation 2

The weekly newsletter for Fed2
by ibgames

EARTHDATE: December 16, 2012

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by Hazed

Anton Gallagher has been quiet for months, but he’s finally shown his face back in his store on Earth to announce a new charm on sale. The clock charm signifies the turning off the old year into the new, using the Scottish tradition of First Footing. You can read what that means here: http://britishfood.about.com/od/hogmanay/f/firstfooting.htm

The charm is priced at one slithy tove, and is available to anybody who owns the TenBrane keyring from which these charms can be dangled. Buy it with ‘BUY CLOCK’ and then once you own it, use ‘SHAKE CLOCK CHARM’ to operate it.

If you ‘CLIP CLOCK CHARM’ that attaches it to your keyring, so that anybody who looks at you will be able to see it. Why not show off your bling!

The previous charm, an ice cream cone, has now officially been taken off the shelves and is no longer available. But unofficially, we know that the venal assistant always keeps a supply hidden under the counter and is always prepared to sell it to those who missed it when it was legally on sale, at double the price. Just ‘BUY CONE’ to get it.

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