Fed2 Star Index
In this week’s Fed2 Star: the linkgate scandal, a plea for your money, genes determine your sleep patterns, working at night is a health hazard, the benefits of going down the pub, texting makes you walk funny, heat makes you fat, Facebook makes the cops find you and amazing pictures of storms. Plus Alan’s technical column Winding Down and the usual posts of the week in the Fed Funnies.
Official News
GA bureaucrat caused traffic chaos in revenge move against planet owner
Give some dollars to Federation
Real life news: lark or owl: it's all in the genes
Real life news: nightshift work is bad for your health
Real life news: see, I told you going to the pub was good for you!
Stating the obvious: walking and texting is hazardous to your health
Bogus news story of the week: central heating makes you fat
Dumb criminal of the week: oversharing on Facebook
Pictures of the week: storm chaser