Fed2 Star Index
In this week’s Fed2 Star: The Star takes a break and the UK changes clocks, an upgrade to new FedTerm zaps some bugs, pirates turn to hacking to target valuable cargos, pigeons fitted with pollution sensors, gorillas hum and sing at mealtimes, stupid guy caught taking out a hit twice, a discussion about violent video games, demonstrating how big the Solar System is, and a fictional space robot meets a real one. Plus Alan’s tech newsletter, Winding Down.
Official News
No news next weekend because it’s Easter – and UK clocks go forward
New new FedTerm fixes some of the known bugs
Real life news: piracy and hacking combine
Real life news: pigeons to monitor London’s pollution
Real life news: gorillas sing while they eat
Dumb criminal of the week: guy tries to hire hitman who turns out to be cop – twice
On the web: do violent video games cause violence in real life?
Video of the week: the scale of the Solar System