Fed2 Star Index
In this week’s Fed2 Star: Fed lost connection briefly on Tuesday thanks to router outage at our provider, tell us if you are using Mac FedTerm, blow-up space module launched to the ISS, evacuating buildings goes faster if you don’t rush, testing new cars on terrible potholes, using robots as waiters turns out not to work, a compendium of cretinous criminality, pictures from US space programs that have been abandoned, and a robot dog comes face to face with its real life counterpart. Plus Alan’s tech newsletter, Winding Down.
Official News
Momentary lapse of connection on Tuesday
Mac FedTerm – is anyone using it?
Real life news: inflatable habitat heading for space
Real life news: slow down to escape faster
Real life news: making the worst road in the world
Real life news: waitdroids sacked and replaced by fleshy humans
Dumb criminals of the week: a parade of stupidity
Pictures of the week: abandoned space program of the US