by Hazed
You can now get sensors installed into an existing ship, rather than having to put up with the ones you chose when you bought it. This will be important when ship fighting goes in, because a sensor could be hit which won’t just damage it – it’ll destroy it completely.
You get sensors from any repair yard. The command is ‘BUY number SENSORS’ where ‘number’ is the number of sensors you want to install in your ship. The cost is 10K groats each.
You can also remove sensors from your ship. ‘REMOVE SENSORS’ takes them all out, or ‘REMOVE number SENSORS’ takes out the specified number.
You may well be wondering why you want to take out sensors once they are installed. Well, they take up cargo space – 2 tons each. So if you calculated the size of your hold for an exact multiple of bay sizes, then just one sensors will effectively knock out a whole cargo bay! This isn’t a problem if you are just replacing a sensor that was lost in a fight, because when it was destroyed the tonnage would be added back to the cargo space.
If you think 2 tons is a lot for a sensor, that’s because when you buy a sensor you don’t get one little tiny sensor. No, it’s a bank of sensors fitted to a large panel which slots into your ship’s hull. It has shielded cables to connect it to the ship’s electronics, and a not-so-mini-computer to process the data before it is sent to the command centre. So it’s no wonder if takes up cargo space.
Next up: the code for buying and removing jammers.
Stop press: a player discovered on Saturday afternoon that the new command to buy sensors for a ship meant you could no longer buy the commodity with the same name. Whoops! That was fixed at today’s reset. Thanks to Sanguine for spotting the bug.