Fed2 Star Index
In this week’s Fed2 Star: the Fed2 Star is taking a two week break, brain-wave detector lets locked-in patients communicate, night owls are brighter than larks, more practical night vision glasses, James Bond’s gadget-maker is really a woman, criminals are getting caught when they broadcast live vids of their crimes, a robot that folds your laundry very slowly, a train that goes round an infinite loop, and a new satellite snaps a pic of the moon and the Earth. Plus Winding Down, the tech newsletter from Alan.
Official News
No news for the next two weeks
Real life news: new system lets locked-in patients communicate
Real life news: late risers are smarter people
Real life news: night vision glasses could get smaller
Real life news: real life Bond boffin is female
Dumb criminals of the week: Facebook Live leading to many arrests
Robot of the week: the clothes-folder
Video of the week: infinite loop trainset