Fed2 Star Index
In this week’s Fed2 Star: the Star will take a break next weekend, we need your cash, finders keepers for asteroid miners, clever ravens will remember how you behave towards them, failure to read terms and conditions sees customers sign up for filthy community work, robot tumbles into pool of water, technician gets stuck inside a cash machine, US postage stamp for the forthcoming eclipse, and a video of the wingsuit speed record being broken. Plus Winding Down, the tech newsletter from Alan.
Official News
Newsdroids going back to factory for check-up, so no Star next weekend
Please send us your money to keep Fed running"
Real life news: new law says asteroid miners can keep what they mine
Real life news: ravens remember if you trick them
Real life news: why you should read the terms and conditions
Robot of the week: security droid falls into fountain
Technician of the week: stuck in an ATM
Postage stamp of the week: celebrating the eclipse