Fed2 Star Index
In this week’s Fed2 Star: clocks change in the UK, Alan’s been fiddling with the code, why living on Phobos may not be so easy, the ring around a dwarf planet, why we need a mission to Neptune, tourist guide story about special acoustics in Greek amphitheatre is fake news, stupid spy fails to sell industrial secrets, a robot cat with no head or limbs freaks me out, and an impressive Star Wars Halloween decoration. Plus Winding Down, the tech newsletter from Alan.
Official News
Summertime is officially over as UK clocks go back
Real life news: Phobos charged up by solar radiation
Real life news: a dwarf planet with a ring around it
Real life news: the case for a mission to Neptune
Real life news: super-acoustics of Greek amphitheatre turn out to be a myth
Dumb criminal of the week: Psstt… wanna buy some secrets?
Robot of the week: creepy headless cat