Fed2 Star Index
In this week’s Fed2 Star: we ask that POs use auto-linking even if they want to design their own planet, a new book explains how to make money from cryptocurrency, new tires for NASA rovers will be more robust, shaping your Wi-Fi signal, daytime injuries heal better than night wounds, nuts make you live longer, the dangers of speech recognition, surfing past glaciers under the northern lights, and a picture of the bottom half of Jupiter. Plus Winding Down, the tech newsletter from Alan.
Official News
New rules for planet designers
Learn about Bitcoin, cryptocurrency and blockchain
Real life news: NASA develops chainmail tires for future rovers
Real life news: how to boost your Wi-Fi signal while stopping snoopers
Real life news: wounds heal more quickly if they happen in daylight
Real life news: see, I told you nuts were good for you!
Commenter of the week: left autospeak running
Video of the week: the Icelandic surfer