Fed2 Star Index
In this week’s Fed2 Star: buy extra planets for your star system, keep your emails out of our spam trap, nickname given to the Kuiper Belt object New Horizons will be visiting, don’t bother to pay ransom if you get hit by ransomware, false news is much more effective at travelling round the net that real news, a burger flipping robot, a wolf robot, an idiot criminal who ruined his wife’s night out, and a graphic showing what you can see in the sky in the next few months. Plus Winding Down, the tech newsletter from Alan.
Official News
You can now have more than six planets – at a price
Remember to use the code word in emails
Real life news: New Horizons’ target gets a nickname
Real life news: false news spreads much faster than the truth
Robot of the week part I: burger flipper
Robot of the week part II: super monster wolf
Dumb criminal of the week: bomb hoax to stop wife’s night out
Picture of the week: astronomy highlights of the next few months