Fed2 Star Index
In this week’s Fed2 Star: Alan sets up a new bug-reporting system, Fed2 needs your money, Canada has lakes hidden underneath ice, brewer comes up with greener way to put bubbles into beer, artist merges art with cryptocurrencies, competitive eater bites off more than he can chew in chilli contest, stupid policeman issues a fine against himself, clever robot can whizz along fast on wheels, and a picture taken in the Antarctic that looks like an alien world. Plus Winding Down, the tech newsletter from Alan.
Official News
How to report bugs and request new features
Money makes the worlds go round
Real life news: lakes under ice found in Canada
Real life news: putting the bubbles into beer without boiling
Real life news: artist makes art that hides code to cryptocurrencies
Real life news: see, I told you eating hot chilli peppers was bad for you!
Dumb cop of the week: he fined himself
Robot of the week: droid on wheels