Fed2 Star Index
In this week’s Fed2 Star: newsdroids castigated over subject line error in last week’s Star emails, the FedTerm picture gallery has a new entry for you to download, why an asteroid’s orbit is in the wrong direction, girls (and boys and things) who wear glasses turn out to be smartasses, sharks prefer jazz to classical music, drone flight that went wrong still gains world record, an absolutely pointless robot, attaching a camera to a toy car, finding out what’s happening on Venus, and a timelapse video of a flight from London to San Francisco.
Official News
New picture in the FedTerm gallery
Real life news: an alien asteroid that orbits the wrong way
Real life news: see, I told you wearing glasses means I am smarter!
Real life news: sharks love all that jazz
Drones of the week: world record
Robot of the week: pipecleaner bender
Toy car of the week: camera-ready Hot Wheels
On the web: finding answers to the mysteries of Venus
Video of the week: London to San Francisco in just four minutes