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WEB FED NEWS YEARBOOKS Earthdate June 2004 |
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![]() FROM THE SOCIETY NEWS DESK: DON'T SEND ME LOGS To Log Or Not To Log Hello again Dearies! This is your Matron of Society coming to you to from the Spaceways of the Federation Universes bringing you tips, tricks and the tales of the high society crowd! Every day, or so it seems, my mailbox is filled with tidbits of gossip or rumors about who is with whom, or some other Fedizen scandal. Now, you know this intrepid reporter is not asking anyone to lie about the events that transpired. But, please please please dearies, do not send me a log. I do not like logs, or the way they are obtained. It takes away from the substance of rumors when you see the item clearly stated in a log. When I am chit chatting with my sources, I certainly would not record what has transpired. I rely on my reporter's memory to log the bit and recall it later when I am creating my column. I guess I am just an old fashioned reporter. I just wouldn't make a log or rely on them. To say nothing of the possibility that the log may be doctored in some way! I think you know, dearies, that most logs are obtained through the nefarious spybeams. Now, I was certainly not there when spy beams were implemented, and, I don't pretend to know what Bella's reasoning behind them was. But if I may postulate, the original intent was not to use the spy beam to invade on the privacy of Fedizens. I had thought it was used to help lower ranked players who might have lost their way, or to help explain their statistics or exchanges. But, as with everything in life, things that are originally designed for good morph into something obtrusive and evil. A high ranked player could sit on their planet and watch everyone in Fed Space. Of course, not all at once, mind you. In this reporter's opinion, this is not how it should be. Sitting by yourself in your planet's bar or wherever is the bane of what I stand for. Without interaction, there is no Society. No Society, no society news. So, you see my problem with spy beams, dearies. We Fedizens are a social group, and need to interact in person. And, speaking of interactions between Fedizens, this whole column was based on a certain log that was received by this reporter. Now, I have no doubts about its authenticity, but one wonders how this scenario played out. It is one thing to spy a group of people. I can't comment on that, as to each his own. But, I know that were I to ever spy on a group of people, and things started to heat up in ways that can't be printed in this paper, I would hope to turn the spy beam away! But, I am certainly not everyone... just one with some scruples, dear readers. Yet, whoever complied this log not only kept spying for the whole event, but felt a need to make a log of the event and mail it out! What we do on our own planet between consenting Fedizens does not need to be advertised this way. Although, Smok might have a differing opinion about that. I prefer to let sleeping Venusian Dogs lie, and I wish everyone would, too. Keep those rumors and gossip, sans logs, coming my way. Ta ta for now, Dahhhhhhlings! NEW RESEARCH SUGGESTS THAT GRAVITY IS A HOAX New studies from the Science Department at Galactic Polytechnic University suggest that gravity is in fact a hoax. Scientists believe that if we jump as high as we can, with the same thrust as a Shuttle, we could be in space before we know it. Yesterday, Dr Paul Wacker, Science Administrator of the Galactic Administration told the Fed News, "This is very worrying, all this time we've believed that we're safe, but in fact, we're all in complete and total danger!" Dr. Wackers's work has been criticised, however, from most leading scientific minds across the Solar system. "Dr. Wacker is a quack," stated Virum Peasegrove from the Independent Galactic Institute for Boffins, Eggheads and Highbrows. "He is talking complete balderdash. Scientific theorems dating to the 16th century on Earth and common sense, as well as a simple test, show that gravity does in fact exist." Dr. Wacker's previous theories (all proven wrong) have concluded that the moon is a hoax and that crocodiles are in fact mutated Venusian earthworms. SCREWING UP YOUR ROMANCE There are thousands of books on how to improve your love life. Obviously they don't work, since hundreds of new advice books are published every year. What has been sorely lacking is a guide on how to screw up your romance. The Fed Chronicle, ever eager to plumb the depths of subjects no one has the courage (or the foolishness) to approach, offers these timely suggestions: NAME RECOGNITION: One of the quickest ways to end a romance is to call your love of the moment Sally when her name is really Jane. (Or Rocketman when his name is Bob). The best time to make this mistake is in the middle of a sexual (ie c-sex) encounter. This ploy doesn't work in situations where the object of your affection doesn't know your name. TIGHTBEAMING: People in love tightbeam each other, frequently. The failure to tightbeam can be considered an expression of a lack of interest. Promise to TB, and then don't. When you are confronted with "why didn't you TB me?" answer with a really stupid excuse, like "I was busy hauling commods to finish off my build." Watch out for the person who will show up to see if you are doing what you said you were doing. SMUT: Oddly, even though c-sex is widespread, thus you'd assume everyone is watching it, in fact very few would tolerate landing on your planet and finding you in a delicate moment with someone else. Then again, if your romantic interest does show an interest in this stuff, you might want to reconsider. GET REALLY ANGRY: People in love have fights. That's normal. What isn't normal is to get angry over some really inane thing, like forgetting to reinsure or the lousy market for monopoles. And if you blame your love interest for the problem, they'll probably suggest you go into therapy before vacating your life. BE CRITICAL: People in love generally avoid being critical of each other. Don't do this, because all the pent-up criticism comes out anyway. Start being critical from the first date. If none of this works, you are probably dealing with someone who loves you so much, they don't care about your foibles. At which point you should marry them immediately, because you're not going to get a second chance. BLOCKADE RUNNER CHAT: PALADIN The noisy din of pirates and buccaneers (the entourage) fades to the background as patrons of the club curiously watch a camera crew arrange equipment. Fresh rounds of drinks are ordered up, while Blaze rises from a corner table in The Urban Spaceman Bar on Venus to greet you with a warm smile. "Welcome to the Blockade Runner Chat! I'm your hostess Blaze, and every couple of weeks I interview a different Federation II personality as we explore in-depth the views that each guest has of our Fed universe. Today we have an oldster in the Fed community, who has joined us to relay almost 13 years of his antics! Please welcome PALADIN!" Paladin slides into a booth opposite Blaze, while she admires his tunic and slacks made from the new space age nanofabric over his lightweight space armor. Blaze buys a round of drinks, welcoming Paladin to the Blockade Runner Chat! Paladin drawls, "keep 'em coming..." Blaze winks, "I like my guests with loose lips." She considers relaying this interview over to Freya to get her input. Paladin says, "She said that she did not give you any tidbits from my past, although I am sure she can relate them better than me" Paladin says, "As most of them are... well, Freya's Fantasies" Blaze asks, "Are you saying they didn't occur?" Paladin says, "oh, some did" Blaze asks, "Well let's start at the beginning then... you joined Fed originally on GEnie in 1991, correct?" Paladin says, "That would be about right... Fall of 91" Blaze asks, "There weren't many players there, but more than currently play Old Fed, would you say?" Paladin grins and says, "Oh yes... there were a small, but dedicated group of Old GEnie Fedders... when we were there, we were not sleeping... maybe sleeping around!" Blaze points out with a wink, "Nothing different there" Paladin says, "Those were the times that Bella would turn all of Sol into Arena Space, and everybody got a fighting ship, running all over Sol in a huge demolition derby... last ship standing, so to speak" Blaze exclaims, "That sounds like huge fun!" Paladin says, "it was... not much job running those nights" Blaze asks, "At one time you had the distinction of being the oldest JP... was that for lack of running jobs?" Paladin takes a gulp of his drink, shaking up old memories. Blaze adds an extra shot to Paly's drink to dredge up those memories. Paladin says, "no... I did not want a planet, and the thought of doing Snark just did not appeal to me" Blaze asks, "So where'd you hang out, if you didn't have a planet?" Paladin asks, "CDs... where else? Even the POs hung out there" He chuckles. Blaze asks, "Wasn't Samantha's a popular watering hole too?" Paladin says, "or else, Samantha's" Blaze grins and winks at Paly. Paladin says, "Samantha's was, for all those out there who weren't there or never heard the stories, a spy proof bar on Castillo, I think... yes. There was only one reason to go to Sam's... and, I will leave it up to you to think of it" Blaze says, "But with the crowd it must have drawn, no spy beam would be required anyhow, I'd think." Paladin says, "TB's my dear... TBs. You would always catch a dropped TB while in there" Blaze asks, "What's your opinion of the new relaying feature, which eliminates spy beams?" Paladin says, "excellent feature. We needed some kind of spy beam function... if a PO wants me to see a digest, this is the perfect system and, it is not restricted by rank" Blaze asks, "You'll need to explain something to me... I understand that on Genie Fed, you were declared as the Court Champion to a duchess Gemini. What exactly is that all about?" Paladin says, "ahhh yes... Gemini" Blaze listens intently, nodding to the bartender to bring another round. Paladin drawls, "Gemini had her own Court... and, she really had it bad for me, if you know what I mean... but, she was married to Tellurian, so in order for her to keep me close, she made me her Court Champion... it was an honorary title, to be sure" Blaze winks, "Sounds convenient" Paladin winks, "I had no real duties... well, almost no duties" Blaze grins knowingly, and continues, "But she permitted you to wed Galena?" Paladin says, "Yes, because she did not want to object, for fear of tipping anyone off but, at the ceremony, she did object to the wedding" Blaze drawls, "I hear that chaos ensued..." Paladin chuckles at the sight of Galena collapsing when she objected. He says, "Tellurian and Gemini stepped aside and discussed it, and she relented" Blaze exclaims, "How fortunate!" Paladin says, "yes... but she still made me perform my duties" Blaze winks, "But of course" Blaze asks, "So whatever became of the wife and the mistress?" Paladin says, "faded away, as most Fedizens eventually do" Blaze says, "As did you, in fact." Paladin says, "oh yes... I have faded away twice" Blaze asks, "You missed the whole AOL era... why didn't you try Fed there?" Paladin says, "I played for a while when AOL and GEnie were playing together, but having 200 people screaming for objects and asking where to get a permit just wasn't fun for me" Blaze ruffles through the pages of a 2002 Meet & Greet transcript... Paladin grins and asks, "it was that long ago?" Blaze looks up and questions, "So what's the story with Tabby?" Paladin says, "Tabby was a slut... end of story" Blaze exclaims, "But... that's not a story at all!" Paladin says, "she had had her little cat's eyes on me for many months so, I gave into temptation one night" Blaze widens her eyes. Paladin says, "it was unremarkable. She never called after that night... I felt abused and used... cheap and dirty" Blaze asks, "Perhaps she felt it was unremarkable too?" Paladin breaks out in laughter, unable to control himself. Blaze suppresses a grin, maintaining her professionalism. Paladin chuckles, "No really. I guess we will never know." Blaze winks, "You were obviously quite the ladies' man back then" Paladin smiles, "I guess I am not the one to ask that" Blaze makes a note to ask around further! She asks, "So after Genie, you didn't return to Fed until early 2002, when we were on the Web... what made you return after all that time?" Paladin says, "curiosity, really. I wanted to know what had changed, who was still here" Blaze asks, "Was it culture shock with all the changes?" Paladin says, "yes... no puzzles... now, granted I had done them all before I left, well, except Duke. But, the Martian ruins puzzle and Snark were a work of beauty" Blaze has to agree, disregarding the pain of doing them. Paladin says, "to think that they had to be shut down and future players did not have to do them... I mean, that's why we play" Blaze notes, "But you continued to play even without them..." Paladin says, "well, I had done them, so even if they were still here, I could do them in 5 minutes" Blaze asks, "So did you know anybody when you returned?" Paladin says, "Hazed and Freya... that was about it and, I occasionally saw Occy, although now he was called Occyoccy. I was also shocked by the migration of players from Sol to their duchies. Sol was dead." Blaze asks, "Was it tough to make new friends?" Paladin says, "tough to make new friends? no, I was fresh Captain meat to the Dukes and Duchesses" Blaze giggles softly. Paladin says, "and, a particular baroness" Blaze looks interested asks, "Oh?" Paladin says, "don't make me say her name... it is considered bad luck" Blaze nods in understanding, asking instead, "So what duchy did you join?" Paladin replies, "I joined Bluebeard's duchy" Blaze says, "That was a large group, you must have been inspired by so much social activity." Paladin says, "actually not... I was more interested in the fascinating world of planetary economics" Blaze asks, "So you hauled and worked a lot?" Paladin says, "yep... and hung out in Bl... err, her bar" Paladin whispers ominously, "when you say the name of a demon, there is a possibility that you might summon them" Blaze says, "I sense that problems ensued." Paladin says, "well, unbeknownst to me, yes. I felt I was having a good time there, but their knowledge of their planets economics was very limited. I felt it time to move on... that's when I met Juel" Blaze smiles at the mention of Juel's name. Paladin says, "She had her POs planets fine tuned, so I felt that that is where I belonged, and told the baroness that. Oh, the hysterics. She had a full duchy, plus 4 other duchies aligned with her that were almost full. What was I to her? Evidently a lot" Blaze winks, "Well you are a former Court Champion" Paladin says, "hehe... so, after I moved to Juelz, B threatened me on numerous occasions... so, with the help of a wonderful Baroness named Snowstar, we paid her off" Paladin says, "and, that is the end of my B story" Blaze asks, "What do you mean, paid her off?" Paladin says, "She threatened me to pay back all the groats she had given me, or else... she had given me maybe enough for 1 build, but she demanded a gig" Blaze balks. Paladin says, "This baroness was a psycho with a sweet exterior. She fooled a lot of people" Blaze asks, "You later participated in Fed Survivor 4 on her team. Was that uncomfortable?" Paladin says, "you certainly did your research" Blaze is nothing if not thorough. Paladin says, "It was uncomfortable, to be sure. But, in keeping with her coldness, I don't think it affected her at all... I did the vote calculations for my team, and she did not vote me off, although the other two did. Well, I did not do the official calculations, but did them in my head" Blaze asks, "Would you participate in a Fed Survivor again?" Paladin says, "sure... why not? But, it was mentally grueling" Blaze asks, "How many days did you last?" Paladin says, "I was the second voted off our team... and there were 5 to a team... I think I lasted a couple days" Blaze asks, "Now you are in the 4th incarnation of Fed that you've tried. Will you be sticking around?" Paladin smiles, "it's all new here... how could I not stay? this is why I came back... to see what was new" Blaze asks, "Have you provided much input of ideas that have been implemented thus far?" Paladin says, "I have helped somewhat in the testing... specifically, the chat channels, follow commands and the successful trade functions" Blaze asks, "Do you think the former glory days from your youth will return?" Paladin says, "yes, I do... everyone will be confined to Sol, and sleeping will get you nowhere... activity will be the key in here" Blaze exclaims, "Well thank you for your time, Paly. You've led an amazing Fed life!" Paladin smiles, "and, it's only just begun"
FROM THE SOCIETY NEWS DESK: DEATH OF A PO Death By Unnatural Means Hello Dahhhhhlings! There has been some controversy and rumblings regarding the certain death of a planet owner in the past few weeks. I can certainly empathize with them. The shock of having your planet disappear out from under you and appearing on Earth sans a ship permit is quite a shock. A flashback to your first day in Federation comes to mind. Fortunately, Yours Truly has never had that unplanned experience ::knocks on her rollaway desk:: While one may be quick to accuse someone of foul play, step back a minute and have a few canapés and think for a minute. Now, I do not know all of the exact details (well, there is a first time for everything, Dearies!), from what I can gather is that this Fedizen was running an unattended script, and moved across Ron's sights. Now, I know that no script would intentionally move their owner in front of Ron's sights so it must be by accident. And, Ron, being the dear that he is, shot down the intruder. The script did not realize that the owner had died, so it continued to run, starving the uninsured Fedizen to Groundhog Heaven. Forgive me if this is not exactly what happened. But, the two key elements of the tale are true: Ron and an unattended script. I have known Ron forever, dearies. And, I can tell you that he is a sweetheart. Unfortunately, he has a fetish for blowing up cargo ships. He can't help it, and we have talked at great lengths over champagne cocktails in Chez Diesel for hours on end. That man can talk your ear off! But, in a nutshell, he does what he does. Why do you think you have an option to install missile racks and twin lasers on your ship? Back in the day, you did not roam the Sol Spaceways without some sort of ship protection or a deterrent. Some may not like what Ron does, but do not expect the authorities to step in when Ron sends you to the hospital. They have no authority to punish Ron as he is breaking no rules that I know of. If I am mistaken dearies, please e-mail me the particulars and I will address them. Until then, take Ron to task and kill him. He confided in me that he actually enjoys it. ::wink wink:: The second element in the story is the unattended script. When you run a script and are not in control of yourself, some people think they are not responsible for their actions. How ridiculous! If you do not think you are responsible when you are not in control of yourself, how can you expect the authorities to accept responsibility? If you weren't running a script, you wouldn't think of running to the authorities if you accidentally killed yourself. But, run a script, and some people think they aren't responsible. ::stifles a small giggle:: That is just soooo silly! Well, off my soapbox for this week. Ta ta for now, Dahhhhhhlings! A VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION ABOUT FED Question: How How many Fed players does it take to change a light Answer: 422 1 to change the lightbulb and post it to the bar board that the bulb has been changed. Classic Federation players are spoiled, by both the mechanics of the game and by each other. The broken exchanges, the powerful macros, and the large sums of cash dumped on newbods has changed the game dynamics and taken away a lot of the challenge. Players who enjoy and rely on this watered down version of Federation will have a hard time moving over to Federation II. Federation II is not an easy game, it's a challenge, it takes work. Players must change the way they think about early ranks and adapt to this new game. We are no longer racing up to the Planet Owner ranks, now we must learn and adapt to each rank and understand its functions before moving on. We need to change the way we think about the players behind the ranks, those who stay at a rank longer should be seen with more esteem than someone who did it quickly. We should acknowledge the hard work and the quest for greatest understanding. Promoting from Captain and Adventurer takes several hours if done in one fast sweep. It seems to me that doing it in a solid block is both anti-social and counter -productive. Federation has always been a game requiring assistance from other players. The social side of the game is just as important as your rank, because there will be a time when you must rely on friends to support you in your quest for a rank. This support takes many more forms than just economy financing. Take time off of the job and visit a pub and hangout with a few friends. Once you become Adventurer you have another tedious task which if done right will give you an extensive knowledge of the layout of much of the Solar System as well as a great opportunity to map. The map of Federation has changed, new planets, moons, asteroids, and space stations populate Sol space. Take time to explore and record in detail, it will save you a lot of grief. It is time that we rely on our own knowledge and not that of a player who is dragging you around. It would not be hard for a high-ranking player to drag you mindlessly from one spot to another to assist you in completing the rank, but it would be that much harder for you to move around Sol when you need to at a later rank. In conclusion I offer my advice for incoming Federation 2 players; take time to understand the ranks, don't look for shortcuts, look to prepare for the future. BLOCKADE RUNNER CHAT: MAGGIE The noisy din of pirates and buccaneers (the entourage) fades to the background as patrons of the club curiously watch a camera crew arrange equipment. Fresh rounds of drinks are ordered up, while Blaze rises from a corner table in The Starship Cantina to greet you with a warm smile. "Welcome to the Blockade Runner Chat! I'm your hostess Blaze, and every couple of weeks I interview a different Fed personality as we explore in-depth the views that each guest has of our universe. This week, please welcome a young lady who Fedizens either love or hate... but does she care? I present to you, the Fed II incarnation of Xyli... MAGGIE! Blaze arrives and doodles on Maggie. Maggie says, "I want a flower" Blaze offers a bouquet of wild dandelions to Maggie. Maggie says, "Nope" Blaze asks, "Clover?" Maggie says, "Roses, duh" Blaze winks, "Puleez... at the most you may get poppy " Maggie says, "Opium, nice" Blaze nods at the trade. Maggie asks, "Lets get this thing going yes?" Blaze says, "Yes'm" Blaze says, "Lets start early in yer life" Maggie asks, "I can say whatever I want?" Blaze winks, "As long as you let me spit out questions first" Maggie says, "Ok ok" Blaze asks, "Maggie, yer first form was as MRAHM1 in 1996... a cantina rat, right?" Maggie says, "Dude, that's scary you know that... and yup, I was a captain for a long time. Hung out in the Cantina mostly" Blaze smiles, "Call me Dudette, and you thought this would be a M&G?" Maggie winks, "Dudette is not a word " Blaze winks, "Nor is MRAHM1 a pronouncable name " Maggie says, "Yes huh- M-ROM-1" Blaze asks, "You were quite young then in RL years... I'm thinking mayhap around the cusp of teen years. Was FED your first encounter with a game of multi players?" Maggie winks, "I would have been around 15ish, and yeah, found it on AOL like everyone else" Blaze asks, "No other experience in such games?" Maggie says, "I tried gemstone and such after I started Fed" Blaze asks, "Early on, you got involved with an amazing roleplay group... the Fed Mafia familia of JB007ENDER... you were his only daughter, correct?" Maggie says, "Yeah, he never let me have any fun either, only the guys got to kill and rough people up. I miss that boy" Blaze exclaim, "Ooo so you knew all about those goings-on!" Maggie says, "Oh totally. It'd be cool if we could still do that kind of stuff, but everyone has too much money" Blaze asks, "I know that at one time I was addicted to spying the amazing sagas that JB would unveil. But you were just his young daughter... What was your perspective of life in that group?" Maggie says, "I didn't know much till around the end of his time, when I was first with him, It was just a family... he was my dad, very amusing once I found out he was a couple years younger than me" Blaze laughs, amazed at that herself! She asks, "What'd you learn toward the end of his time?" Maggie says, "Just how he threatened people, and how he got his money. Who his Capos were" Blaze asks, "Were you pleased or horrified?" Maggie says, "Back then, slightly horrified... although he made my fed husband at the time one of his capos. got mad at him for that" Blaze asks, "For the audiences' sake... what is a capos?" Maggie says, "mob boss, under the main boss... I'm pretty sure that's the right word, it's been a while. JB would have been the Capo di tutti capi or some such, Boss of all bosses" Blaze asks, "Did you realize you were a godfather's daugher at the time?" Maggie says, "Yeah but didn't know what it meant really until the end" Blaze asks, "Did anybody hold it against you, in any way?" Maggie says, "Not that I recall, MRAHM1 was a nice girl" Blaze asks, "She was held in high regard I know. Later Xyli came onto the scene... .Was she ever nice?" Maggie says, "Yeah, semi, a lot nicer than she is now. She was part of Onyx and such" Blaze asks, "Ok, let's wander into her Onyx days. She wasn't one of the infamous haulers... so what made you feel at home among the Onyxians?" Maggie says, "Pintomike had been a friend for years. So he was cool" Blaze smiles at the memory of Pintobean. Maggie says, "and OG gave me RL stock advice for a class so we got to talking. And Sholevi, he's just the cutest cuddly boy" Blaze drawl, "So you had a core of buds, good ones at that... " Maggie says, "Yeah, I've had a ton of good friends from here, from all time periods. But Xyli, I don't think she was mean really back then" Blaze asks, "At this point, your characters had two cornerstones of friends with questionable reputations... I take it that you weren't the sort of teen to give in to popularity peer pressure?" Maggie says, "I've always been an odd one, not caring for what other people think, mostly, unless they go too far" Blaze drawl, "What do you consider to be "too far"? I've seen you go off on someone on a whim... " Maggie says, "Usually for stupidity, or grammar... but if someone finds my online journal that was meant for friends, and then starts talking about it in Fed, I find that to be a little wrong. Xyli goes after people sure, but almost always its Fed related, unless they hurt one of her/my RL friends" Maggie says, "Then it's no holds barred" Blaze says, "Ok, you've belittled my own sister Snowstar for using "yer" for "Your"... and you ignore that same grammar in your own friends." Maggie says, "Not really, I just don't critique them on the comms. I've yelled at Mashi quite a few times for not capitalizing" Blaze drawl, "You belittle people for seemingly no reason, Maggie... " Maggie says, "No, usually always a reason. If they say something stupid which many of them do, or if I find they've hurt a friend" Blaze winks, "What is stupid to you, in your years of infinite experience?" Maggie says, "Um wow, let me think... recent example... one arrogant little man, thinks he's always right... So I mess with him" Blaze asks, "Ok so how do you know that YOU are right?" Maggie says, "Good question, I'm not always, but I've learned not to do something unless I'm sure. Like I think the first day, he was spouting off about God" Blaze listens... Maggie says, "Now I happen to be cool with God, but I also happen to be ok with making jokes about going to hell. He was all like, the Bible is always right etc etc... and so I had fun with him. He hasn't quite liked me since. Which makes it more fun. People in Fed make a lot of stupid comments" Blaze asks, "So you spy him now and feel that warrants plundering his planet? Err... well his former planet" Maggie says, "Oh I'm too lazy to plunder, mainly I go sit there and freak him out. And it's funny to spy him and watch him try and insult him " Blaze asks, "Freak him out how?" Maggie says, "He thinks I'm looking a prices and gonna haul, but I just sit there" Blaze says, "Ahh mind games." Maggie says, "A lot of times, with a great many people, they were going after friends of mine, and so I say something to them so it gets the heat on me, and leaves them alone" Blaze asks, "On a normal day, Maggie... when Xyli waltzes into the game, is her intent to wreak havoc?" Maggie says, "Now she does, she didn't used to. She'd go in, talk to friends, people make some retarded comment, and she comments back" Blaze asks, "Is it truly hostile feelings that you bring?" Maggie says, "Not even, I feel nothing, well I'm amused. I sit and laugh and laugh, because what I say matters to people. I don't know why, but they get defensive. It's why their insults don't bother me, unless they break a rule, then OF COURSE I need to report them" Blaze asks, "What would you feel if someone said or did the same things to you on a constant basis?" Maggie says, "Nothing, I have more people talking about me than these people do about them. I have 5 or more people jump me on the comms and try to insult me, and I just laugh and I can out get all of them." Blaze asks, "And that doesn't bother you at all?" Maggie says, "Nope, not at all. It's a game and these people don't matter to me. I mean, if Sallyanne went after me, I'd be upset, cause she's a RL friend " Blaze asks, "Is that your definition of roleplay then? To do what you want, take what you take, and not have it matter?" Maggie asks, "I think it's a game, why should what I say really bother them, unless perhaps its the truth?" Blaze asks, "What makes it a game?" Maggie says, "we pay and we play" Blaze asks, "Play... what? I mean what yer referring to is chat" Blaze says, "Plundering planets is a game... we're talking about a chat line, no more no less. I plunder planets too" Blaze asks, "Answer my first question... the chat is a game?" Maggie says, "Fed is a roleplaying game, I roleplay a bitch. Its part of a game" Maggie says, "If they want a chatroom, go to yahoo. Lets see, what else do I want to say. OH." Blaze listens attentively, pouring a fresh round of drinks. Maggie says, "I think people should promote on their own, not be given money to bribe them into joining a duchy. They don't learn the ropes well enough. AND... " Blaze interrupts, noting, "Ok so's everyone else who has ever had a closing statement on a Meet and Greet" Maggie says, "I'm cool with the ban rule when someone doesn't like me" Maggie says, "Yeah but they still give them money. But for trading. I was part of Onyx as a squire and I had my planet hit a lot. I didn't lose money. The Dukes and Duchesses need to help their planet owners do their exchanges right" Blaze asks, "Ever gonna go duchess, just for a final adieu in Old Fed?" Maggie says, "Nah, I don't even have a porter" Blaze giggles and winks, "Lazy biatch" Maggie says, "And what Xyli is in fed, Maggie isn't that in RL. Turns out, I'm rather nice" Blaze asks, "Well what does Xyli find so satisfying in being so horrid, that Maggie can sleep with at night?" Maggie says, "Xyli's a character, Maggie forgets about her when she goes to sleep" Blaze smiles, "You don't think about Fed personas at all when you shut off the computer?" Maggie says, "I've got more important things to think about than Fed all day, it's just a game. I do find it funny that people keep logs from Fed from like 5 years ago and then send them out, I can barely remember what happened in Fed a year ago" Blaze smiles, "Maggie, I thank you for taking your time to speak so candidly tonight." Maggie says, "totally" Blaze turns to the camera, smiling, "Well all you folks will just have to migrate to Fed II with the upcoming launch and see what Maggie does with her newest character!"