As a Manufacturer you can upgrade factories in two ways - you can increase their efficiency, and you can expand their storage.

Expanding the storage means that the factory will be able to hold more containers of output before it sends them to the depot or sells them on the exchange. The command is 'UPGRADE STORAGE factory#', which adds 75 tons to the storage and costs 250,000 ig. However, it's not quite as simple as that - the Galactic Administration's bureaucracy will allow you one upgrade, but to increase the storage any further you need a storage permit. As you can probably guess, a hefty bribe is needed - 500,000 ig (paid from the company) and one slithy tove - the command is 'BUY STORAGE PERMIT'. Once you have the permit you can continue to upgrade the storage, to a total of 450 tons capacity.

Increasing the factory efficiency means that you need fewer workers to run the plant. The goods take the same amount of time to produce, but you save on labor costs, and if there is a shortage of workers that can be very significant. The command is 'UPGRADE FACTORY factory#', which adds 5% to the efficiency for a cost of 1,000,000 ig. As with the storage, you need a permit to do more than one upgrade, and the permit costs 5,000,000 ig and two slithy toves - the command is 'BUY FACTORY PERMIT'. With the permit, you can carry on increasing the efficiency to a limit of 150%.

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