VOTING FOR FED REALLY MAKES A DIFFERENCEby HazedIf you needed proof that it really does make a difference to vote for Fed2 as your favorite game on The Mud Connector site, here it is. In July, when I wrote an article about voting, we were 600 votes behind the number 5 game in the rankings. In August when I wrote a followup article, we had closed the gap to 370 votes behind. Now, we are 182 votes behind. If everybody who currently votes every day keeps on doing so, that means we just need seven more people to join them, and we will take the number 5 slot ourselves, surpassing the game which is ahead of us. If you're new to Fed2, or have been around for a while but don't know anything about this voting business, let me explain. The Mud Connector is the leading web site about multi-player games. It lists all of the games available on the web so that people wanting to find a new game to play can read about what's available. But there are thousands upon thousands of text games, so TMC has a chart which lists the games in order of their popularity, as determined by player votes. They allow you to cast your vote every day, and votes older than 30 days old are discarded - so you need to keep on voting every single day to make sure your votes stick. If you start voting now and vote every day, that means that in a month's time you will have added 30 votes to our total. TMC is a major source of new players for Fed2. It's important that we get a good supply of newbods because we want the game to grow; without them, it will stagnate and eventually die. Keeping the game in the top ten of the listings is important, and the higher up the listings we are, the more likely people are to click on the link to us, rather than other games. Those who do already vote for Fed2 - thank you! Please continue to do so on a daily basis. We cannot get complacent about this, otherwise after 30 days old votes will vanish and we'll start to sink down the listings again. We've seen this happen many times to other games: they start a drive to get their players to vote for them, they rise up the ranks to a high position, stay there for a few weeks, and then they sink back down again as the players lose interest or the game bosses stop putting on the pressure. We don't want to be like them - we want to rise up the rankings and stay there. Vote for Fed2 by going to The Mud Connector's voting page then click the button to cast your vote. |
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