A NEW RANK: GENGINEERby HazedAs of today's reset, planet owners can now promote to the next rung on the rank ladder: Gengineer. This is a brand new rank in more ways than one because not only has it only just been coded into Fed2, it's also a new invention that was never in classic Fed. It also works differently from the other promotions for planet owners. Like all the other PO promotions, it relies on you doing the right number of builds on your technological planet. The requirement has been set at 200 builds. When you have the necessary infrastructure, as usual you type 'PROMOTE'. But then the first difference shows up: you will promote to Gengineer right away, rather than having to wait until the next reset. That's because unlike all the other PO promotions, where your planet promotes to a new economic level and as a consequence you get promoted along with it, with this one, the promotion happens to you but not to your planet. Your planet will not advance in level - it will remain a world with techno economy. Instead, at any time after you promote to Gengineer, you can have a new world added to your system, which will go in with a biological economy. Biological commodities are dangerous, and in one of the few customs that applies all over the Galaxy, they can only be manufactured on remote asteroids or other airless, generally uninhabited lumps of rock, for fear of disasters. For more information, read this entry in the Encyclopedia Galactica. Once you have a bio planet, you will be able to build up the infrastructure as you would with any other planet to enhance the economy. You will also be able to do the special bio-level builds (once they are coded). But no matter how much you build, your bio planet will never advance - its economy will always stay at biological level. One thing you won't have to worry about is disaffection: a biological planet doesn't have a general population in the same way that ordinary worlds do, and most of the workthings are emotionless robots, so they aren't getting to become unhappy no matter what you do. Despite these restrictions, CEOs will be able to build factories on bio worlds. In the next week, I will provide a new stock planet called Laboratory which you can use for your bio world if you don't want to write your own. So what of your technological planet? Well, you will continue to build on it, until you have enough builds for the next promotion which is to Magnate. At that point, your techno planet will advance to leisure level and drag you along with it. No, right now I don't have a clue how many builds that will require, or when it will be available... |
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