The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: October 19, 2008


In this week's Fed2 Star:

Official News

Freya's quiz of the week
The end of summer
Anton Gallagher announces charm relaunch
Money, money, money
Angelfowl's birthday party
FedTerm character pictures
Real life news: the sound of Mars
Real life news: Italians turn water into wine
Real life news: the smell of space
Real life news: phone rash
Picture of the week: Jules Verne spacecraft breaks up
Geek toy of the week: crowbar bottle opener
Winding Down

Inside Scoop

Boy scouts, bad boys or both
Planet hopping review

Event Reports

Fed Phrase Game
Meet and Greet with Trilleth

Fed Funnies

Top Ten most heinous crimes in Fed
...Of the Week

Previous issues

Fed 2 home page