FREYA'S QUIZ OF THE WEEK (for certain definitions of week)by FreyaFinally back after family weekends, a really nasty cold, a house de-cluttering, and other disasters - at long last. A few weeks ago, I asked you to pick the Top Ten Song Selections for Sol - a list of ten songs matched with their perfect Sol locations. There were some clever variations on the theme like Zardoz's single planet selection. But the winner's list we finally chose was by Fancy! Fancy's Fed2 Location theme songs list: 1. Men's loo – Smokin' in the Boys Room by Brownsville Station With a bonus extra of: The winning list and two runners-up lists have been posted on the Fed Review page. Thanks to everybody who sent in their entries. The prize for this contest is a DAB4D receiver. This fourth dimension portable digital audio broadcast receiver allows dedicated reception of early atomic age music transmissions. For further details of this fabulous prize you'll need to ask Fancy. We'll have a prize presentation on Sunday afternoon for Fancy. Winners of the previous shopping quiz will receive their prizes on Sunday as well. Our next Fed Quiz will be a Halloween theme! Tell us what you think is the SCARIEST location in the Solar System (Graveyard excluded) - and explain why in 250 words or less. Locations can be anything you choose as long as you explain why you personally find it scary. Personally I find the Galactic Administration Help Booth terrifying! Send your answer to (please put Fed2 in the subject line). The deadline is last thing on Thursday 30 October. The winner will be announced and gets his, her or its name in the November 2 issue of the Fed2 Star - a special themed prize will be awarded the winner(s) of this contest. |
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