by Hazed
The headline is not strictly accurate because the cartel code hasn't been live long enough for any questions to be asked frequently, but here's some of the questions that players were asking - along with the answers, of course.
Q: Is there a limit to the size of a cartel?
A: Yes, a cartel is limited to 15 star systems (which includes the hub system owned by the Plutocrat).
Q: Can a player who is already a Plutocrat join another cartel?
A: No, that would be silly.
Q: Can a star system be in more than one cartel at once?
A: No, when you are accepted into a cartel you leave whatever cartel you were in before.
Q: Can a star system have pending applications to join more than one cartel?
A: Yes, you can request to join as many cartels as you want, but it's not a very good idea. When a Plutocrat approves your request it doesn't remove the other requests from the queues, so you will finally end up in the cartel of whoever approves you last. And you may have had to pay membership fees for each joining!
Q: Does the hub system of a cartel lose its economy?
A: No, unlike in classic Fed, the planets in the hub system remain at whatever economic level they were at. The leisure world can't advance any further and neither can the bio planet, but the Mogul second planet can.
Q: So Plutocrats can trade as normal?
A: Well, they should be able to, but a bug means they can't right now - that will be fixed in the next couple of days.
Q: When I jump through hyperspace do I have to jump to the hub system first?
A: Right now, there's no restrictions on jumping to other star systems, but it will change when Alan writes that bit of code. Then it'll work like it used to in classic Fed - to leave a cartel you will have to first jump to the hub system, then jump to the hub of the new cartel, and then to your destination system in the new cartel.
Q: What about teleporting?
A: Again, there are no restrictions right now but there will be soon.
Q: Who is the owner of the Sol cartel?
A: The owner of the Sol cartel is Davros?
Q: Who is Davros?
A: Davros is the owner of the Sol cartel...