by Hazed
Following on from last week's top ten novels, this week we're going to the movies. Nomad solicited the following suggestions from the players of the top ten Fed2 movies...
10. |
Raiders of the Lost Arts. |
9. |
Lubs Actually. |
8. |
The Day Fed Stood Still. |
7. |
Fedzilla! |
6. |
The Neverending Rank. |
5. |
Catspaws on a Hot Tin Roof. |
4. |
Hazed and the Chocolate Factory. |
3. |
Night of the Living Fed. |
2. |
A Fistful of Groats. |
And the number one Fed2 movie is... |
1. |
Goodfedders. |
Thanks to Nomad for compiling the top ten, and to Cragon and Zand for their suggestions.