REAL LIFE NEWS: THE TOP TEN UNANSWERABLE QUESTIONSby HazedWe all know that the answer to the question of life, the universe and everything is 42, but apart from that there are a number of questions that are impossible to answer, and search engine Ask Jeeves has compiled a list of the top ten unanswerable questions. Some are serious, such as "Is there a God?" and others are trivial, such as "Do blondes have more fun?" So here is the list they compiled: I have to say, I am not sure all of these are really unanswerable - you just have to ask the right person. A consultation amongst nutritionists could probably come up with the best diet. And as for "Did Tony Soprano die?" Surely the show's writers would know that. Still, the questions were widely reported so Ask Jeeves got some good publicity out of the stunt, which was probably their purpose in the first place. |