The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: November 28, 2010

Official News page 8


by Hazed

If we have learned one thing from the real life news disaster stories that I print from time to time, it is that using fire to tackle an insect problem never ends well. Remember the man who used an improvised flame thrower to try to kill a bathroom spider?

Now a Japanese factory owner gives us more proof that there are better ways to try to kill creepy crawlies. In trying to set fire to some cockroaches, he managed to burn his factory to the ground.

An unnamed 64-year-old Japanese man in Kagawa prefecture, Western Japan, spotted several cockroaches crawling on the machinery in his mushroom factory. Instead of reaching for the Raid, or perhaps stomping on them, he doused the insects with alcohol and then set them on fire.

The cockroaches, understandably, didn't sit still but scattered to all four corners of the 500-square-meter building. When they scurried under some flammable material, the inevitable happened: whoosh, the whole place went up in flames. The factory was completely destroyed.

You can bet the cockroaches survived, though!

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