In case you missed the previous installment of the space race, you can read it here.
Last Tuesday, 3/8/2011, Anput and Echelon's rivalry peaked again, and the two players set out to race across the galaxy in an effort to beat Anput's current record. For those who haven't seen the records, you can find them here.
Things, however hadn't gone so well for Echelon. His financier, Kolie, was disappointed with Echelon's seeming inability to erase Anput's current record of 11 hours, 51 minutes, and fired him on the spot, choosing instead to take over and run the race herself.
The two racers faced off and suicided themselves to begin the race. Kolie entered the game first, followed shortly by Anput. The two racers sprinted to the Galactic Administration building, and back to the shipyard. Anput made it first, but was slowed down boarding by customs, causing Kolie to build up a substantial lead early on.
Shortly afterward, Anput encountered a series of system failures that continued putting her behind, allowing Kolie to build up a substantial lead. Fortunately for Anput, about 5 hours into the race, Kolie lost internet connections for a good 30 min, allowing Anput to catch up. Unfortunately though, Kolie's initial lead was enough to enable her to finish first, with a time of 5:36. Anput finished about 30 minutes later, taking a close second to Kolie.
Now I know some of you will say that this record isn't the same as before because AKs are now easier. You're right, it isn't the same. So, to set the record straight, and provide a baseline comparison: Anput suicided again and went from 0-850 AKs in a time of roughly 7:40 (roughly 30 seconds per AK). So even if it had taken the extra time to do all 800 AKs, this would still be a record time compared to old-school AKs.
